
This website

I am making this website with HTML and CSS with the bootstrap framework to showcase my projects as a portfolio for employers.


iMessage on Android

I​ have managed to achieve iMessage on android by running a macOS VM and using an app to relay the messages from that VM to my phone using Cloudflare as the tunnel.



I'm experimenting with AWS to see its potential with cloud services and what it can achieve when upscaled, for example, running an app through AWS Amplify.


Discord Bot

I am making a discord bot using python for simple tasks and to show off my programming skills.



I have also created a "Hackintosh" which is basically running a MacBook on a windows computer. I have achieved an effective deployment that successfully works. However I no longer use it as I have a MacBook now so there is no reason to upkeep it.


Cloudflare Workers

I'm using and experimenting with cloudflare workers to see their potential in the real world. Right now I'm using it for contact forms and for robot verification.
